YouTube Sex-Advice Gurus Hodgetwins Make Their Move to the Stand-Up Stage
Forget the muscles and goods looks, the Hodgetwins have the ultimate advantage over other up-and-coming comedians: each other.
The comedic chemistry between Virginia-bred twin brothers Keith and Kevin Hodge is undeniable — after all, they’ve shared a womb. In nearly every YouTube video they post, they unintentionally break character and make each other laugh, a dynamic that worked for The Carol Burnett Show‘s Harvey Korman and Tim Conway, and Jimmy Fallon and, well, nearly every cast member on Saturday Night Live.
Behind the raised eyebrows and comical seductive voices telling you to “bust all kinds of nuts,” “cream-pie her” and “go balls deep and leave them nuts hanging out” are two family men, both 42, married (for over 15 years) with children.
“My youngest my son [age 10] seen the videos,” Keith said during a recent phone interview. “He’s a good kid — he doesn’t go to school and cuss people out and beat people up and talk about sex. He knows better. The stuff he comes home from school and tells me is like, ‘Wow, that kid told you that stuff in school?!’ I really don’t see it no worse than other stuff on YouTube. If he comes across my stuff and laughs at it, it’s fine too.”
The twins receive around 100 emails a day from men and women asking for professional — but not licensed — advice on sex, life and love. Keith selects the questions he and his brother answer on their askhodgetwins YouTube channel.
“There’s nothing planned,” Keith says. “I’ll read an email and we’ll answer the questions. Everything’s off the cuff. It’s all improv. I have my perspective on something and then Kevin has his perspective.”
“Keith’s running it,” Kevin chimes in. “I have no idea what’s going on. I just show up and he’s got emails and I just go with it.”
The twins lived in and around Los Angeles for 17 years before moving back to their home state of Virginia, where they currently live in townhouses next door to one another. The longest amount of time they’ve been apart is 10 hours.
“Our wives get kind of jealous because we spend so much time together,” Keith says. “I was like, ‘Why you getting jealous for?! It’s not like he’s sucking me off.’”
The twins pursued YouTube full-time after they were fired from AAA in Costa Mesa for recording videos in the conference room.
“Yeah, that was not a good time. Times were tough,” Keith says. “We were making $15 per month on YouTube then.”
Success came after the twins started their fitness channel, Twin Muscle, where they make “all kinds of gains” and eat whateva dafuk they wanna eat. The twins currently maintain multiple YouTube channels including hodgetwins, where they share reactions to current events and news stories, and fastingtwins, their vlog channel.
“People really get a kick outta the way we express ourselves and the verbiage that we use. I think it’s how we deliver it,” Keith says. “We get emails from people all the time saying ‘I talk like you guys 24/7 and I think my girlfriend is going to dump me because of it.’”
“Our main goal now is to legitimize ourselves as stand-up comedians and actors,” Kevin explains. “Right now a lot of people know us just as YouTube personalities, so we want to kind of change that. When people think of us I want them to say, ‘Oh, those are those stand-up comedians’ Or ‘those are those actors in those funny movies.’ That’s our major goal.”
Inspired by Richard Pryor and Bill Burr, the Hodgetwins’ comedy set has a narrative format infused with jokes based on outlandish personal stories of their relationships, past job experiences and growing up poor.
You can catch the Hodgetwins on their No Filter Tour, but you’ll have to head to Oxnard’s Levity Live since their two-night engagement at the Hollywood Improv is sold out. And if you need to find a date to bring to the show, keep reading — we asked the twins about picking up girls in Los Angeles, the secret to a long marriage, and who started using the phrase “sugar walls.”
Kevin: Walk down the street.
Keith: (Laughs)
Kevin: There’s a ton of them out there, you’re bound to grab one of them. Go out to the grocery store or go out for a long walk.
Well maybe that’s possible for you guys, but what about an average-looking guy?
Kevin: I would say the best place to pick up a girl is your job because you see them every day. That would be my first guess.
Kevin: Yeah.
Kevin: My second one I would say … Shit, I don’t know. Job … The gym …
Keith: The gym?!
Kevin: Yeah, meet girls at the gym.
Keith: How many girls you met at the gym?
Kevin: I met all kinds of girls at the gym. All kinds.
Keith: I would say second is the grocery store. Women just laying there.
Kevin: No, they ain’t.
Keith: You catch them off guard while they’re trying to buy some cantaloupes and bananas and you be like, “Hey, how’s it going? My name’s Keith … what’s yours? This store’s got some nice bananas down here …”
Besides to your comedy show, where do you recommend bringing a first date?
Keith: Where’s that one place we went with Billy Blanks? That place in L.A. Fuck, I forget where it’s at. What’s it called?
Kevin: Universal Studios?!
Kevin: Yeah, Universal Studios.
Keith: What’s so good about that place?
Kevin: It’s a happening place, man.
Keith: Maaaan …
Kevin: Where would you go? To the damn movie theater? (Dramatic pause) I would say Universal studios.
(Both laugh)
Kevin: Where would you go? To the zoo? That zoo sucks.
Keith: I dunno man. I’m real bad with that. I’ve been married for 15 years. I would just take them to my spot. That was the main place I was going to take you when I first met your ass. Watch a little TV and then get up and make my move.
(Both laugh)
Kevin, you’ve also been married for over 15 years. What’s the secret to a long marriage?
Kevin: Insanity.
(Both laugh)
Kevin: I would say the key to a long marriage is just communication to work things out ’cause you have a lot of ups and downs. It’s just a matter of sitting down and y’know getting through things. I would say communication and compromise. (Laughs).
OK, I have to know: who started using the term “sugar walls” [as slang for vagina]?
Keith: Kevin started that shit. He used to have some fuckchick called Sugar Walls. Sugar Walls 1, Sugar Walls 2, Sugar Walls 3 …
(Both laugh)
You guys should tour with Sheena Easton. She could open for you.
Keith: I know. (Laughs)
Or make a music video with her — that would be hilarious.
Keith: Damn good idea.
Oxnard Levity Live, 591 Collection Blvd., Oxnard; Thu., Nov. 17, 8 p.m.; $25. Hollywood Improv, 8162 Melrose, Hollywood; Fri., Nov. 18, 8 p.m. & Sat., Nov. 19, 10 p.m.; sold out.